Checking & Savings

Each business has its own unique needs when it comes to banking. That’s why we offer a variety of checking and savings account options to keep your money protected, accessible, and working for you.

Plus, every Eagle Bank business checking account includes:


To learn more about any of our business checking or savings accounts, please contact us, call 617.387.5110 to speak with one of our business bankers or stop into any one of our branch locations today.

Business checking accounts
Heritage Checking
Designed for low average monthly balances Monthly service fee $8.00; per debit charge $0.16

The monthly service fee is waived when five (5) Point of Sale (POS) transactions are conducted during the statement cycle with the Eagle Bank business debit card. The monthly service fee and per debit charges are waived if a $5,000 daily balance is maintained during the statement cycle.

Liberty Checking (earnings credit offered)
Designed for moderate to high average monthly balances. Monthly service fee $16.00; transactions charges per: debit $0.25, deposit $0.75, deposited items $0.10

Business Savings Accounts
Heritage Statement Savings
A simple, short-term savings account that is automatically linked to checking accounts on a combined statement.
  • Monthly service fee of $3.00 for failure to maintain $1,000 daily balance.
  • Overdraft Balance Protection* transfer charge $5.00

*Customer authorizes automatic transfer of funds from a savings account to a checking account to cover overdrawn funds.

Heritage Money Market
A simple, short-term savings account with limited transactions.
  • Per debit charge in excess of 6 a month $15.00
  • Overdraft Balance Protection* transfer charge $5.00

*Customer authorizes automatic transfer of funds from a savings account to a checking account to cover overdrawn funds.

Heritage CDs
A medium- to long-term savings account automatically linked to a financial summary.
Liberty Money Market Account
  • Per debit charge in excess of 6 a month $15.00
  • Monthly service fee for failure to maintain $1,000 daily balance $3.00
  • Overdraft Balance Protection* transfer charge $5.00

*Customer authorizes automatic transfer of funds from a savings account to a checking account to cover overdrawn funds.


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